We would like to inform you that the Council is conducting a Polling District and Polling Places Review. The aim of this review is to ensure that all voters within the District have reasonable access to voting facilities and that every polling place is accessible to voters with disabilities, as far as is practicable.
The review will follow the timetable outlined below:
21 October 2024: Deadline for all comments on the Review.
25 November 2024: Publication of the Returning Officer’s comments and proposals.
23 December 2024: Deadline for public comments on the Returning Officer’s comments and proposals.
16 January 2025: Submission of final proposals to the Council.
3 February 2025: Publication of the revised Electoral Register incorporating changes from the Review.
The Council welcomes feedback from all residents, particularly those with disabilities, and from any individual or organisation with expertise in accessibility.
you can see the official Notice to begin the Review by clicking on the pdf below.
You can access the Council’s mapping portal to view the locations of current polling places and stations, along with the existing polling district boundaries, at the following link:
The Returning Officer will carefully consider all feedback received, and her proposals will be published on the Council’s website on 25 November 2024.
If the Parish Council or any residents wish to submit a representation, they can do so by writing to Electoral Services at the Civic Offices, Civic Way, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE11 0AH, or by emailing us at pollingplacereview@southderbyshire.gov.uk.
There will be a further opportunity to comment on the Returning Officer's proposals before the final version is submitted to the Council meeting on 16 January 2025.
Elections Team - South Derbyshire District CouncilPhone: 01283 595875 / 595728 / 595723Email: elections@southderbyshire.gov.ukWebsite: www.southderbyshire.gov.uk