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I have lived in Burnaston Village with my husband for 20 years and was the founder chairperson of the neighbourhood watch association which is still active and operating today. In 2015 I was elected the chair of Burnaston Parish Council and have just been re-elected May last year.


I have lived in Burnaston since 2010. I have worked as a Procurement Officer in both the Construction and IT sectors and now run our holiday cottage in the village. I have two young children and was co-opted to Burnaston Parish Council in October 2020. 

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I have lived in Burnaston with my family since 2013. Although I’m new to being a parish councillor, I hope that my career in Human Resources will bring some useful skills to the group. Our children have loved growing up exploring the fields and footpaths that surround us and they really feel like this is our little piece of countryside and I would like to help support the parish to make sound, fair and practical decisions for the benefit of the whole community.

Working full time and being a mum of two doesn’t leave much time for hobbies, but when I’m not being a taxi driver to various sports and hobbies, I enjoy cooking and continuing to make improvements to our home.

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Bio coming soon


Bio coming soon



Bio coming soon

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