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Neighbourhood Development Plan

Burnaston Parish Boundry.png
These pages contain information about the Burnaston Parish Neighbourhood Plan and is divided into several sections for your convenience and ease of reference. To view a specific section, click on the relevant heading.

The following information is set out as Frequently Asked Questions in order to introduce the concept of Neighbourhood Planning and how it can benefit the residents of the Parish.
  • What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
    Neighbourhood planning is the power given to communities to develop their own vision for their community and local area over the next decade and beyond. It is the opportunity for the local residents to have their say on what new buildings are built, what they look like, who they are for and what infrastructure is needed around them and to grant planning permission for the new buildings they want to see go ahead. Neighbourhood planning also ensures the desires of the community are aligned with the needs and priorities of the wider local area. The Neighbourhood plan ensures that the community has a say in what happens to them in terms of development.
  • Why is the Parish Council leading the Neighbourhood Plan?
    Neighbourhood planning is a system introduced under the Localism Act so is defined in law. It is stated that in a designated neighbourhood area which contains all or part of the administrative area of a town or parish council, the town or parish council is responsible for neighbourhood planning. It goes on to state that where a Parish Council has chosen to produce a neighbourhood plan, it should allow members of the community to play an active role in preparing the plan.
  • Is it compulsory to have a Neighbourhood Plan?
    No. It’s not a lawful requirement to produce a Neighbourhood Plan but in order to provide residents of the Parish with the opportunity to put forward their desires and opinions, it is morally right to produce a Neighbourhood Plan.
  • I don’t live in Burnaston Parish but I work here, can I still be part of the Neighbourhood Plan?
    Yes absolutely. The groups/ forums created to develop the Neighbourhood Plan must be open to those working in the area too as they have a vested interest in the area and its growth and direction.
  • Is the Neighbourhood Plan a way to block development?
    No, the Neighbourhood Plan is not an exercise in blocking development. It should be prepared in a way that is aspirational and deliverable with the understanding that the local area will continue to develop and change in ways which support our community into the future for the benefit of everybody. South Derbyshire District Council has made public its proposals for a sizeable increase in the number of houses in the Parish. The Neighbourhood Plan will seek to influence that housing to ensure it integrates with the existing environment as well as protect other land, trees, hedgerows, farmland and wildlife.
  • How will my opinions make a difference?
    A Neighbourhood Plan will be submitted for the Parish and once passed at referendum will have the same legal status as a local plan, and form part of a statutory development plan. Planning permissions will be accepted and denied on the basis of what is formed here within the Neighbourhood Plan – a plan that relies on the input of residents to take form.
  • How do I get involved?
    Email to register your interest. Meetings are held in person at Burnaston Village Hall and simultaneously via Teams to ensure full accessibility. The Parish Council have employed a consultant with a depth of knowledge and experience on producing Neighbourhood Plans to guide the process.
  • Timeline of Events
    July 2024 – Application for Grant Funding for the Neighbourhood Plan 11th October 2024 – Appointment of Gary Kirk as Project Consultant 21st October 2024 – Funding awarded 30th October 2024 - Initial meeting with volunteer residents 22nd March 2025 – First Open Public Event at Burnaston Village Hall 10.00 – 13.00 27th March 2025 – Second Open Public Event at Mickleover Court Hotel 17.00 – 20.00
Stay up to date with the latest developments of the NDP. Below, you’ll find the most recent meeting agendas, minutes, and details on active working groups.

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