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Although Christmas is looking very different this year, South Derbyshire District

Council has launched an online advent calendar to help ensure the countdown is still

filled with seasonal cheer.

The Council is inviting residents to join them each day to open a new door on its

Holly Jolly Advent calendar, to discover festive messages from some familiar

faces, Christmas-themed activities…as well as a free prize draw every day.

Throughout the run-up to Christmas, the Council’s website will be hosting many

different festive activities, such as how to make your own Christmas wreaths and

advent candle holder, seasonal cards, decoration making and stamp painting. Many

of the activities will encourage families to think about the environment and either use

items gathered from around the home or things you can find in the garden or when

out on a walk - providing additional benefits to health and wellbeing.

There will be specially-commissioned festive storytelling for families to watch each

weekend, virtual concerts and performances for all to enjoy without leaving the

comfort of home.

Holly Jolly Advent will also be raising awareness of a few local and national

initiatives and charities and explaining how you might like to get involved and get

festive at the same time.

Residents will also be encouraged to share photos and comments of their makes,

bakes, Christmas trees and jumpers.

Each day there will be the chance to enter a free prize draw with prizes and

vouchers provided by South Derbyshire businesses. you can see the calendar here

Councillor David Muller, Chairman of South Derbyshire District Council, said:

“Sadly we’ve not been able to have our usual big Christmas Lights Switch on, an

event where thousands gather in Swadlincote town centre, but Christmas is definitely

not cancelled, and we know that households are on the lookout for new and

inventive ways to still have a safe and happy Christmas.”

“Our Holly Jolly Advent will hopefully bring a little festive cheer into local homes, with

lots of messages and activities that will not only keep little ones entertained, but also

prove eco and pocket-friendly during a particularly poignant time where we are

reminded just how much we value the people and things around us.”

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